of applicant for application for DIN
be in the form of Affidavit)
to section 153 and rule 9(3)(a)(iv) of Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014]
I, ……………….., Son*/ Daughter* of ……….., born on …………..,
resident of ………………………………….. hereby confirm and verify that the particulars
given in the Form DIR-3 are true and also are in agreement with the documents
being attached to the Form DIR-3.
I hereby confirm and
declare that :
1. The photograph and documents being attached to the Form
DIR-3 belong to me. I further confirm that all required documents have been
duly certified by the respective government authority and are being attached to
the Form DIR-3, and
2. I am not restrained, disqualified, removed of, for being
appointed as director of a company under the provisions of the Companies Act,
2013 including sections 164 and 169, and
3. I have not been declared as proclaimed offender by any
Economic Offence Court or Judicial Magistrate Court or High Court or any other
Court, and
4. I have not been already allotted a Director
Identification Number (DIN) under section 154 of the Companies Act, 2013, and
5. I shall be liable under section 448 of the Act and under
the relevant provisions of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 and any other law as
applicable, if any statement in this application is found to be false or any
material fact is found to have been omitted.
*Note: strike out whichever is not applicable.