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  1. Company (H) = Holding Company
  2. Company = includes its Holding and all Subsidiaries Company
  3. CSR = Corporate Social Responsibilities
  4. R & D = Research and Development
  5. DOP = Delegation of Powers


The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility has gained prominence from all avenues. Organizations have realized that Govt. alone will not be able to get success in its endeavor to uplift the downtrodden of Society. With the rapidly changing corporate environment, more           functional autonomy, operational freedom etc. Company has adopted CSR as a strategic tool for sustainable growth. For Company in the present context, CSR means not only investment of funds for Social Activity but also Integration of Business processes with Social processes.

Even much before the issue of CSR became global concern; Company was aware of its Corporate Social Responsibility and was fulfilling the aspiration of the Society through well-defined “Community Development Policy” within the periphery of 8 Kms. of the Project sites. This has resulted into a harmonious relationship   between COMPANY NAME and the peripheral Communities.
The Business of Company and its subsidiaries are located in different parts of the country spread in ________ States, and relatively in isolated areas with little contact to the outside society. Company business has profound impact on the people living in and around the areas where the Company (H) and its subsidiaries are established. The obvious impact of the introduction of any production activity in such areas change the traditional lifestyle of the original inhabitants and indigenous communities and also change the socio-economic profile of the Area. Hence, the primary beneficiaries of CSR should be land oustees and those staying within the radius of 25 Kms of the Project. Poor and needy section of the society living in different parts of India should be second beneficiaries.

In the aforesaid backdrop, policy on Corporate Social Responsibility of Company is broadly framed taking into account the following measures: - 
a)     Welfare measures for the community at large including employees and their families, so as to ensure the poorer section of the Society derived the maximum benefits.
b)     It will take care of land less and project affected persons. Proper rehabilitation of the land oustees/displaced persons based on R&R policy separately formulated and the expenditure on R & D issues would be included in the Project Cost.
c)      Contribution to the society at large by way of social and cultural development, imparting education, training and social awareness specially with regard to the economically backward class for their development and generation of income to avoid any liability of employment.
d)     Protection and safeguard of environment and maintaining ecological balance.
The main objective of CSR policy is to lay down guidelines for the companies to make CSR a key business process for sustainable development for the Society. It aims at supplementing the role of the Government in enhancing welfare measures of the society based on the immediate and long term social and environmental consequences of their activities. Company will act as a good Corporate Citizen, subscribing to the principles of Global Compact for implementation.

The poor and needy Section of the Society living in different parts of India would normally be covered. The CSR Programme will also cover the existing components of Special Corporate Plan (SCP) and Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) for development of the SC and ST population besides development components for the entire population.

For carrying out CSR activities, 80% of the budgeted amount should be spent within the radius of 25 Km of the Company (H) and 20% of the budget would be spent on CSR activities within the State/States in which the subsidiary companies are operating. Chairman/Managing Directors of the subsidiary companies shall exercise their DOP for according approval for the project within the ceiling limit of said 20% budget.
CSR should be broadly executed by Company (H) in the areas, which are beyond the jurisdiction of subsidiary companies. Further CSR for the loss making companies should be undertaken by Company (H). Besides, Board of Company (H) may extend to initiate specific projects abroad, under special circumstances.


                           i.            Education
                         ii.            Water Supply including drinking water.
                       iii.            Health care by providing Indoor medical facilities and medicines
                       iv.            Environment
                       v.            Social Empowerment
         vi.          Infrastructure for Village Electricity/Solar Light/Pawan Chaki etc. Recurring expenditure should be borne by the beneficiaries.
                     vii.            Sports and culture.
                   viii.            Generation of employment & setting up Co-operative Society.
                       ix.            Infrastructure Support
        x.            Grant/donation/financial assistance/sponsorship to reputed NGOs of the Society/locality doing/involve in up-liftment of the standard of the society.
                       xi.            Heritage sites in the CSR purview ensuring involvement of employee’s representatives in this Project.
                     xii.            Empowerment of women for education/health & self employment
                   xiii.            Relief of victims and Natural Calamities like Earth Quake, Cyclone, Draught and Flood situation in any part of the country.
                   xiv.            Disaster Management Activities including those related to amelioration/ Mitigation.
                     xv.            Collection of old cloths from the employees and distribution in the nearby village by utilizing the platform of Mahila Sabha of the Company, Club (Executives & Non-executives) and Women in Public Sector.
                   xvi.            Development of smokeless fuel out of coal and also arrangement for distribution of efficient Chula to the villagers.
                 xvii.            Adoption of village for carrying out the activities like infrastructural development e.g. Road, water supply, electricity and community center etc.
Ø  The above list is illustrative and not exhaustive. CMDs shall be authorized to consider CSR activities not falling in this list.
Ø  The activities will be specific to the village depending on the need assessed for the people. As far as possible efforts will be made to co-ordinate with similar CSR activities that are taken up by the Central or State Government in the areas of COMPANY NAME.
Ø  All activities under the CSR activities should be environment friendly and socially acceptable to the local people and Society. 
A.      Education
ü  Support t o Technical/Vocational Institutions for their self- development.
ü  Academic education by way of financial assistance to Primary, Middle and Higher Secondary Schools.
ü  Adult literacy especially amongst those belonging to BPL.
ü  Awareness programmes on girl education.
ü  Counseling of parents
ü  Special attention on education, training and rehabilitation of mentally & physically challenged children/persons.
ü  Spreading legal awareness amongst people and disadvantageous sections of the society about their rights & remedies available.
ü  Promotion of Professional Education by setting up educational            institutions offering courses in Engineering, Nursing, Management, Medicine and in Technical subjects etc. Company will ask for reservation of seats for Company’s nominated students considering their different aspects.
ü  Provide fees for a period of one year or more to the poor and meritorious, preferably girl students of the school in the operational area of the Company to enable them to get uninterrupted education.
ü  Provide cycle to needy girl students who are attending school in remote and distant areas.
ü  Payment of 100 nos. of COMPANY Scholarship to the Students belonging to BPL Category and 25 nos. of COMPANY Scholarship to the wards of Land Oustees’/displaced persons’ every year who are pursuing degree course (Graduation course) in IITs, NITs and other Engineering Degree Course (Graduation Course) in other Government Colleges where Company (H) is conducting recruitment through Campus Selection and Government Medical Colleges (MBBS Course) for meeting the reimbursement of tuition fees, Hostels fees (Accommodation charges) and Incidental Fee of Rs. ______ /- (Rupees Ten thousand) only as Mess charge or actual Mess charge whichever is less per academic session from the academic session 20XX-XX and onward.

      The above Scholarships will be operated centrally by Company (H) through respective Government Engineering Colleges, Technical Institutes and Government Medical Colleges.
B.      Water Supply including Drinking Water
ü  Installation/Repair of Hand Pumps/Tube Wells.
ü  Digging/Renovation of Wells.
ü  Gainful utilization of waste water from Under -ground Mines for cultivation or any other purpose.
ü  Development/construction of Water Tank/Ponds.
ü  Rain water-harvesting scheme.
ü  Formation of a Task Force of Volunteers to educate people regarding proper use of drinking water.
ü  Empowerment to the villagers for maintenance o f the above facilities for availability of water.
C.      Health Care Organizing health awareness Camps on
ü  AIDS TB and Leprosy
ü  Social evils like alcohol, smoking, drug abuse etc.
ü  Child and Mother care
ü  Diet and Nutrition.
ü  Operation Jyoti – Vision 2020 to help the people of the peripheral area for necessary assistance.
ü  Blood donation camps.
ü  Diabetics detection & Hypertension Camps
ü  Family Welfare.
ü  Senior Citizen Health Care Wellness Clinics.
ü  Fully equipped Mobile Medical Vans.
ü  Tele medicine
ü  To supplement the different programme o f Local/State Authorities.
D.     Environment
ü  Organizing sensitizing programmes on Environment Management and Pollution Control.
ü  Green belt Development
ü  Afforestation, Social Forestry, Check Dams, Park.
ü  Restoration of mined out lands.
ü  Development of jobs related to agro product i.e., Dairy/Poultry/farming and others.
ü  Plantation of saplings producing fruit.
ü  Animal care.
E.       Social Empowerment.         
ü  Self /Gainful Employment Opportunities – Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM) on Welding, Fabrication, and other Electronic appliances.
ü  To provide assistance to villagers having small patch of land to develop mushroom farming, medicinal plants, farming & other cash crops to make them economically dependent on their available land resources. Training may be provided by agricultural experts for above farming.
ü  Organizing training programmes for women on tailoring Embroidery designs, Home Foods/Fast Foods, Pickles, Painting and Interior Decoration and other Vocational Courses.
ü  Care for senior citizens.
ü  Adoption/construction of Hostels (specially those for SC/ST & Girls)
F.      Village Electricity/Solar Light
ü  To develop infrastructural facilities for providing electricity through Solar Lights or alternative renewal energy to the nearby villages. Recurring expenditure should be borne by the beneficiaries.
ü  Pawan Chakki as alternative for providing electricity in villages.
G.      Sports and Culture
ü  Promotion of Sports and Cultural Activities for participation in State and National level.
ü  Promotion/Development of sports activities in nearby villages by conducting tournaments like Football, Kabaddi and Khokho and others etc.
ü  Providing sports materials for Football, Volleyball, Hockey sticks etc. to the young and talented villagers.
ü  Promotion of National level teams. Sponsorship of National Sports events.
ü  Sponsorship of Cultural event to restore Indian Cultural Traditions and Values.
ü  Possibility of providing facilities for physically handicapped persons may be explored.
ü  Medias for preparing of documentary films.
Guide-lines to be followed to promote sports activities by way of granting financial assistance/donation/sponsorship etc.
Registered Clubs/Institutions which promote Sports activities may be granted financial assistance/donations/sponsorship based on the following norms:-

1)     Sports talent development programme by Clubs/Institutions may be encouraged provided the proposal is routed through the respective Block Development Office/Sub-Divisional Office/District Office/State Associations/ local people representatives i.e. Panchayat, Pradhan/Mukhiya/MLA/MP/ Minister etc., to ascertain bonafide objective, status of activities and contribution to the society.

2) While sanctioning financial assistance/donation/sponsorship for State/ National/International events, Company (H)/Subsidiary Companies could send its representatives to ensure proper utilization of fund for the specific purpose, as well as, to ensure publicity/coverage for corporate image building.

3)     While sanctioning financial assistance /donation/ sponsorship for encouraging talent search & nurturing by Club & Institution, Company/Subsidiary Companies would also ensure participation of its employees and their wards to avail benefits.

4)     As per Company Policy for payment of financial assistance/donation/ sponsorship Registered Clubs/Institution will furnish details as required by Holding/Subsidiary Companies i.e. their Registration, PAN No. etc. to establish their authenticity.
H.     Generation of employment & setting up Co-operative Society.

Employment facilities should be provided to the community people especially to the backward section by providing education and training thereby developing their skill for suitable Employment.

Further opportunities for self-employment should be provided by constructing Shopping Complex in and around the projects. Besides, Co-operative Societies should be formed by active participation of local people for setting up Dairies, Poultries and Piggery etc, which will also help to generate self-employment.
I.        Infrastructure Support – construction, repair, extension etc.
ü  Auditorium,
ü  Educational Institutions
ü  Rural Dispensaries initiated by reputed NGOs.
ü  Mobile Creches.
ü  Bridges, Culverts & Roads,
ü  Check Dam
ü  Shopping Complex to facilitate business/self employment for
ü  local people
ü  Community Centre,
ü  Sulabh Souchalaya,
ü  Yatri Shed in Bus Stand,
ü  Burning Ghat/Crematorium
ü  Development of Park
ü  Play ground/Sports complex/Good Coaches.
ü  Old Age Home.
a) The investment in CSR should be project based and for every project time framed periodic mile stones should be finalized at the outset.
b) Project activities identified under CSR are to be implemented by Specialized Agencies and generally NOT by staff of the organization. Specialized Agencies could be made to work singly or in tandem with other agencies.
c) Such specialized agencies would include:
                     i.            Community based organization whether formal or informal.
                   ii.            Elected local bodies such as Panchayats
                 iii.            Voluntary Agencies (NGOs)
                 iv.            Institutes/Academic Organizations
                   v.            Trusts, Mission etc.
                 vi.            Self-help groups
               vii.            Government, Semi Government and autonomous Organizations.
             viii.            Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE)
                 ix.            Mahila Mondals/Samitis and the like
                   x.            Contracted agencies for civil works
                 xi.            Professional Consultancy Organization etc.
(d) Activities related to Sustainable Development will form a significant element of the total initiatives of CSR. Such activities should come under the 3 UN Global Compact Principles pertaining to the Environment Business are asked to
a)     Support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges
b)     Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility and
c)      Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
a) All proposals under CSR activity would be referred to _________________, who will evaluate the Project Report and submit its report to the Committee constituted for the purpose for their examination/submission of report with necessary recommendation to _________________, as the case may be and thereafter based on the recommendation of _______________In-charge of CSR, Competent Approval shall be accorded.
b) Project proposal for any CSR activity shall be examined by the Standing Committee consisting of executives of different disciplines/HODs with strength of 6 (six) members and submit report/recommendations to the respective __________________In-Charge of CSR.

c) _______________, Company for proposals related to company    and ___________ of each subsidiary company for proposals related to subsidiary company, shall recommend the above report of the Committee for Competent approval.

d) The activities of the CSR Committee will also involve the following:
1)     Interact with the concerned _________________________ to confirm the areas for undertaking activities under CSR and ensure to avoid duplicity of the job.
2)     To decide the priority of the activities to be undertaken under CSR.
3)     To interact with the CSR Implementing agencies for determining the activities to be undertaken.
4)     The Committee will monitor and review the progress of activities Undertaken/completed.
e) DOP for according approval of any project proposal would be as under:
   i.            Project Proposal up to Rs. _______ lakhs shall be approved by CMD of subsidiary company. Proposals beyond Rs. _______ lakhs shall be approved by respective Board.
 ii.            Project proposal related to Company (H) up to Rs. _______ crore shall be approved by Chairman/MD of the Company.
iii.            Project proposal related to Company (H) exceeding Rs. ______ crore shall be approved by Board of Directors of the Company.
The committee at Company (H) level would be headed by _____________, Board and would include:
Company Secretary will be the Member Secretary
C.S.R. Department of Company would act as “NODAL” under the guidance of __________________ would put up all cases to the Committee for consideration and the recommendation of the Committee to the __________ /Head of the Committee and there after the proposals up to Rs. _________ crore shall be placed before Chairman/MD of the company for approval and the proposals beyond Rs. __________ crore shall be placed before Board of Directors in the meeting.

a)     At Company level and subsidiary level full time CSR Cell should be constituted headed by a _____________ who will prepare the Annual Report on CSR Activities. Monthly Report on CSR should be sent by each subsidiary            to Company (H) highlighting the cumulative outlays and outcomes of the program in specific details.
b)     In every six months Board of Directors of Company (H) as well as subsidiaries should review the implementation of CSR
c)      Company (H) as well as subsidiaries shall include a separate/chapter in the Annual Report on the implementation of CSR activities/project including the facts relating to physical and financial progress.
d)     Cost benefit and justification includes the amount of financial involvement, detailed project Report for which Project Appraisal have to be carried out by External Agencies/Third party Agency.
e)     Utilization Certificate with statement of expenditure duly certified by an Authorized Auditor will be submitted by the Organization/ Institution to whom CSR fund is allocated.
The fund for the CSR should be allocated based on ____% of the retained earnings of previous year subject to minimum of Rs. _____/- per _______________ of previous year. Out of above, 80% of the budget allocated for CSR activities is to be carried out within the radius of 25 Kms of the project site and balance 20% would be allocated for carrying out CSR activities by Subsidiary Companies in the State to which the Subsidiary Company belongs.
For funding against CSR to be executed by Company (H), 2.5% of retained profit of last year of Company (H) shall be allocated for execution of CSR activities, out of which 1.5%     should be allocated for the activities in the States which are not covered by subsidiary companies and also supporting the loss making subsidiaries and 1% should be allocated for carrying out the activities at local level. Appropriate authority for CSR expenditure shall be Chairman/MD of the Company for proposals up to Rs. ______ crore and Board for proposals beyond Rs. _____ Crores duly recommended by the CSR Committee and approved by ___________.
Out of Total CSR Budget, ___% and ____% would be allocated separately and exclusively in the Annual Plan as the case may be for undertaking Welfare Activities         under CSR for development of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes populations respectively.
The CSR Project should be fixed for each financial year. This funding will not lapse.             It will be transferred to CSR Fund which will accumulate on year to year basis.
(a)  The CSR activities where Community Development Programme is involved, base line survey is essentially to be carried out and cost benefit has to be seen in the proposed scheme through the above survey.

The CSR activities for providing infrastructural facilities like medical college, institution, where social benefit is involved, baseline survey is not required. However, cost benefit and justification for any project has to be ascertained.
(b) Meticulous documentation relating to CSR approaches policies, programmes, expenditures, procurement etc. should be prepared and put in       the Public Domain, (particularly through the internet) and made available to the National CSR Hub.

Maintenance of Assets created under CSR would be the Responsibility of the             concerned __________________ and local representative of the Society. Before any Capital investment is made, an undertaking would be taken from the representatives of local community that they would be responsible for maintenance of the Assets.
Annual audit of all activities undertaken by the company would be done by local Authorized auditor. The CSR activities will be reflected in the Annual Report and Accounts of COMPANY NAME under Social Overhead (CSR). The Committee constituted in the area will inspect all sites and reflect the same to CSR Cell for their information, record and further action.
The above guidelines would form the framework around which the CSR activities would be undertaken. Every subsidiary Company should have specific activities to adopt mostly in their close vicinity of the projects extendable up to the affairs of the State to which it is belonging. In case of Company (H), it should cover the CSR policy at national level.
CSR activities in any State should be preferably done through the subsidiary(s) located in the State, whether funded by subsidiary or supplemented by Company (H). For States without any subsidiary, CSR activities, if any, shall be done by Company (H).
Since CSR Policy of Company includes all the Community Development activities in a broader perspective, the CSR Policy of Company will supersede earlier policies relating to CSR, if any.

Company (H) will review the Policy from time to time based on changing needs and aspirations of the target beneficiaries and make suitable modifications, as may be necessary.