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Board Meeting PR 29/2014 Dt.20.03.2014

A. Budget for 2014-15
The Board considered the proposal  relating to Budget Estimates for the Financial Year 2014-15 and proposals for Fee Revision based on recommendation of Committee on Rationalization of Financial Resources. The budget for the financial year 2014-15 has been prepared keeping in view the need to place greater emphasis to achieve the mandated statutory objectives.

The Board identified following core areas for SEBI's activities in 2014-15:
(i)                  Strengthening the investor awareness and education measures
(ii)                Enlarging reach amongst investors/potential investors through regional and local offices.
(iii)               Enhanced focus on capacity building
(iv)               Raising standards of supervision and enforcement functions in market place such as strengthening market surveillance and investigation functions.

In order to fulfill the above objectives, the Board has approved the upward revision of fees while ensuring minimal impact on the investors.  The same will be notified through appropriate circulars to be issued in due course.

B. SEBI Local Office at Ranchi
The local office of Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) at Ranchi was inaugurated by Shri R.S. Sharma, Chief Secretary, Government of Jharkhand, today, in the presence of Shri U.K. Sinha, Chairman, SEBI.

Shri U.K.Sinha, said that SEBI had decided to open its local office in 16 places in the last two years. Ranchi is one such office. SEBI will have its presence in all major States in the country. The local office would involve in spreading financial literacy and redressing the grievance of the investors in the region. He emphasized the need for, State Level Co-ordination Committee (SLCC) meetings to be chaired by the Chief Secretary of the State concerned and, for the periodicity of such meetings to be increased to once in a quarter to tackle the menace of illegal fund mobilization by unscrupulous companies.