Enhancing disclosures, investor
education & awareness campaign, developing alternative distribution channels
for Mutual Fund products, etc
III. This circular shall be applicable with effect from April 1, 2014.
CIR/IMD/DF/05/2014 March 24,
All Mutual Funds/Asset Management Companies (AMCs)/
Trustee Companies/Boards of Trustees of Mutual
Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI)
Sir/ Madam,
Sub: Enhancing disclosures, investor education
& awareness campaign, developing alternative distribution channels for
Mutual Fund products, etc.
I. SEBI has framed a Long Term Policy for Mutual Funds
in India which inter alia includes enhancing the reach of Mutual Fund products,
promoting financial inclusion, tax treatment , obligation of various
stakeholders, increasing transparency, etc. In this regard the following has
been decided:
A. Disclosure of Assets Under Management (AUM)
1. In order to enhance transparency and increase the
quality of the disclosures for the investors, Mutual Funds shall disclose the
following on monthly basis on their website and also share the same with
Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI):
a. AUM from different categories of schemes such as
equity schemes, debt schemes, etc.
b. Contribution to AUM from B-15 cities (i.e. other than
top 15 cities as identified by AMFI) and T-15 cities (Top 15 cities).
c. Contribution to AUM from sponsor and its associates.
d. Contribution to AUM from entities other than sponsor
and its associates.
e. Contribution to AUM from investors type (retail,
corporate, etc.) in different scheme type (equity, debt, ETF, etc.).
f. AUM garnered through sponsor group/ non-sponsor group
g. State-wise/Union Territory-wise contribution to AUM.
2. In order to have a holistic picture, Mutual Fund wise
and consolidated data on the above parameters shall also be disclosed on AMFI
3. AMCs shall disclose the above on their website (in
spreadsheet format) and forward to AMFI within 7 working days from the end of
the month. AMFI in turn shall disclose the consolidated data in this regard on
its website (in spreadsheet format) .
B. Disclosures of Votes Cast by Mutual Funds
1. In order to improve transparency as well as encourage
Mutual Funds/AMCs to diligently exercise their voting rights in best interest
of the unitholders, in partial modification to Point 4 of SEBI Circular
SEBI/IMD/CIR No 18 / 198647 /2010 dated March 15, 2010, it has been decided
a. AMCs shall be required to record and disclose
specific rationale supporting their voting decision (for, against or abstain)
with respect to each vote proposal stated in point 4 (iii) of aforementioned
SEBI circular.
b. AMCs shall additionally be required to publish
summary of the votes cast across all its investee company and its break-up in
terms of total number of votes cast in favor, against or abstained from.
c. AMCs
shall be required to make disclosure of votes cast on their website (in
spreadsheet format) on a quarterly basis, within 10 working days from the end
of the quarter. Further, AMCs shall continue disclosing voting details in their
annual report. The revised format for disclosure of vote cast by Mutual Funds
in respect of resolutions passed in general meetings of the investee companies
and the format for presenting summary of votes cast by Mutual Funds.
d. Further, on an annual basis, AMCs shall be required
to obtain Auditor's certification on the voting reports being disclosed by
them. Such auditor's certification shall be submitted to trustees and also
disclosed in the relevant portion of the Mutual Funds' annual report &
e. Board of AMCs and Trustees of Mutual Funds shall be
required to review and ensure that AMCs have voted on important decisions that
may affect the interest of investors and the rationale recorded for vote
decision is prudent and adequate. The confirmation to the same, along with any adverse
comments made by auditors, shall have to be reported to SEBI in the half yearly
trustee reports.
C. Financial Inclusion
1. In context of Mutual Funds, financial inclusion
implies that the concept of Mutual Fund products is understood by all and are
accessible to anyone who wishes to make an investment in them. Also, investors
should be capable of figuring out which Mutual Fund scheme is appropriate for
their financial objectives. Towards this, it has been decided that:
a. Mutual Funds shall mandatorily also make available
printed literature on mutual funds in regional languages for investor awareness
and education.
b. Mutual Funds to introduce Investor awareness campaign
in regional languages both in print and electronic media.
D. Developing alternative distribution channels
1. In order to increase penetration of Mutual Fund
products and to energise the distribution network while protecting the interest
of investors, SEBI had permitted additional expense ratio of 30 bps for
garnering funds from B-15 cities. This development would lead to setting up of
distribution infrastructure by AMCs. However, in order to achieve participation
from all parts of the country in Mutual Funds there is greater need for
developing additional distribution channels. Therefore, it has been decided
a. Distribution through PSU banks: PSU banks which have wide bank branches network and have
distribution reach in the nook and corner of the country, could play a key role
in Mutual Funds distribution. In order to leverage the PSU banks
infrastructure, Mutual Funds/ AMCs need to develop a system for active support
to PSU banks to distribute Mutual Fund products through them. Such active support
would also encourage PSU banks to distribute products of all Mutual Funds.
b. Online distribution: Online distribution not only increases customer convenience,
but also significantly improves distributor economics. The online phenomenon is
increasing rapidly and it is observed that more and more people especially
younger generation prefers online transactions. Therefore, it has been decided
that all Mutual Funds should enhance the online investment facility and tap the
internet savvy users to invest in Mutual Funds by providing an online
investment facility on their websites. Mutual Funds also need to tap the
burgeoning mobile-only internet users for direct distribution of Mutual Fund
II. Prudential limits and disclosures on portfolio
concentration risk in debtoriented
mutual funds scheme:
1. The guidelines issued on prudential limits for
sectoral exposure in debt oriented mutual funds schemes vide SEBI circulars
viz. CIR/IMD/DF/21/2012 dated September 13, 2012 and CIR/IMD/DF/24/2012 dated
November 19, 2012 excludes investment in Bank CDs, CBLO, G-Secs, T-Bills and
AAA rated
securities issued by Public Financial Institutions and
Public Sector Banks while calculating total exposure of debt schemes of mutual
funds in a particular sector.
2. Since the investments in short term deposits of
scheduled commercial banks is allowed pending deployment of funds of a scheme
the same shall also be excluded while calculating sector exposure.
III. This circular shall be applicable with effect from
April 1, 2014.
IV. This circular is issued in exercise of the powers
conferred under Section 11 (1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India
Act 1992, read with the provision of Regulation 77 of SEBI (Mutual Funds)
Regulation, 1996 to protect the interests of investors in securities and to
promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market.
Yours faithfully,
Deputy General Manager
Tel no.: 022-26449232
Email: rajeshg@sebi.gov.in